2011 Noble M600

The ethos of the Noble M600 has developed from a small team passionate about driving. This evolved from our research of the available “supercars” most of which lean heavily on computer assistance. The use of fashionable but often inefficient gear paddle shift, over assisted brakes and inopportune traction control have all become standard features of the modern day supercar.

We at Noble Automotive thought it time to break the mould, feeling that this now ubiquitous “digital” driver assistance disengages and negates the driver experience and reward. We have experienced, when turning off these devices, that computer generated support can often cosmetically mask and flatter inferior chassis and handling characteristics. We decided that with the introduction the M600 it was time to “get back to basics,” to concentrate on the more “analogue” qualities of design by utilizing a principle of pure engineering integrity from the chassis up, putting the driver back in control.

The philosophy behind this radical and refreshing premise is best summed by Peter Dyson, owner of Noble Automotive Limited:

“Noble is a labour of love, of no compromises and of challenges fought. The car speaks for itself, and absolutely reflects what the Team and I envision a true driver’s car should be. It is no question uniquely “out of sync” in today’s world, one overrun with cars that cannot make up their minds as to whether they want to be a car that rewards or a car that gives hollow praise by electronically “covering” the errors.

Designed and engineered with a purity that rewards driver skill, the M600 is neither dictated to nor hindered by unnecessary computer assistance. It puts you back in the driving seat.

Noble M600 Interior

Noble M600 Dashboard

Noble M600 Side Angle

Noble M600 Rear Angle


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