Car Ownership - Making Your Vehicle Last Longer by Doing Things Right

Igot my new insurance policy today. It made me smile that I've been with the same company, USAA, since 1977. They are simply wonderful.

Another glance at my policy and I realized that I have had 32 vehicles since 1977. In that time I've had a vehicle stolen, I've had a vehicle backed into in a parking lot, another vehicle broken into, wheels ripped off, hail damage and more. I even damaged one of my own cars while it was sitting in the garage. With each incident, I learned something, and I'd like to share a few of my top tips.

Do You Need an Indoor Car Cover for Your Vehicle?

I've always been a sports car buff. As a young man I had visions of a bright red Ferrari in the garage. That never happened, but I did buy a two year old Fiat X/19 and customized the heck out of it with custom body work, a beautiful interior with Recaro seats, and a Borg Warner K27 turbo to make things exciting. I painted the car Attract-a-COP red in the style of the old Ferrari 512bb with satin black from the belt line down.

It was perfect!

Well, that is, it was perfect until a box load of junk from my overhead storage fell on the hood and scratched the heck out of it. I wanted to scream. Actually, I think I did scream.

Anyway, that was the event that prompted me to buy and use an indoor car cover. Ever since then my go-fast-mobiles have all had car covers and they have saved the day more than once. Not from me or my stuff, either. The number one hazard for any nice car at home is kids and pets.

How-to Prevent Car Theft

This is a subject I wish I didn't have experience with, but I do. Back in 1987, after realizing my given career path didn't make me a likely candidate to ever own a Ferrari, I purchased my first Porsche. It was a brand new Guards Red Porsche 944 Turbo. It was an exciting car, and over the six year period I owned it, I made it even more exciting. I'm certain that I put as much or more than the purchase price into performance upgrades and accessories. It went like a scaled cat!

Unfortunately, all of my hard work and hard earned cash came to an abrupt change of fortune one November morning. I stayed overnight in a local hotel to avoid the long commute home between San Diego and Irvine, California, and when I woke the next morning it was GONE!

It's a sinking feeling that comes over you. At first your brain goes to, "I'm certain I parked it right here." Well, you did, and that's exactly where the thief grabbed it.

Lesson learned. Locking your car won't stop a thief. A basic car alarm won't stop a thief. It takes a much bigger deterrent. After that I installed car alarms that immobilized the car and used mechanical devices that locked the steering wheel, the hand brake, or both. There are whole lists of things you can do, but I found these to be most effective.

How-to Prevent Car Damage

Let's face it; taking your car out of the garage is dangerous. The second your rubber meets to road you are at the mercy of other drivers, the sun, the environment, and more. Trust me, I know!

I got over the loss of my 944 Turbo with a 1989 Silver Anniversary Edition 911 Carrera. She lacked the power and handling I was accustomed to, but what a beauty! That is, until some Creaton backed into me - parked, no less - in a shopping mall parking lot. Ah, yes, another lesson learned. Be particular where you park.

A while back I attended Sneak Preview Night at the Los Angeles Car Show. I drove to the top of the parking garage to look for an open spot on a corner as these spots reduce the chance of a door ding by fifty percent. Plus, I also find that the corner and end spots are a bit wider. I found an end spot and parked as far over as possible.

After parking, locking, and walking away, I had a funny feeling and return to my car to move it. A bewildered BMW driver stopped me to ask me why I moved. I explained that I didn't want to be hit when someone rounded the corner too close. My point is this: consider how people can get you and don't give them the chance.
Defensive Driving

In 1995, on one of my weekly trips up to Los Angeles, I got pulled over by California's finest for my imprudent use of forward velocity. After a brief discussion with the judge a few weeks later, we agreed that a little levity was in order, so off I went to comedy driving school. I have to admit, it was worth it.

The comedy driving school instructor had an entire shtick about avoiding traffic tickets by "watching for COPS." It was hilarious!

Watch for COPS! What a simple thing, right? Yeah, well, if it's that easy why did you get your last ticket? It really isn't that easy unless you practice... a lot! Most of us were taught, in one fashion or another, to check our mirrors often, but we get lazy and after a while it goes right out the window.

Watch for COPS! It's not as much about avoiding citations as it is about paying attention to what's going on around you. It's actually pretty easy. You look ahead, look behind, and look to your sides, and do it often. Your mirrors are your friend, so use them.

Most people use their mirrors when changing lanes. If this is how you use your mirrors, then I'm afraid you're missing the point and you're well on your way to becoming yet another road casualty. Your mirrors are your number one defensive driving tool, and they will save you from the idiots on the road, as well as the COPS. Use them.


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